Friday, November 1, 2019

Glaciation Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Glaciation - Lab Report Example The flow this mass of ice erodes the surface on which it moves on creating distinct formations along the way (Zappa, 2010 p20). Glaciers are a source of ground water and vast lakes because they dam waterways and cover up catchment areas contributing to aquifer formation. These aquifers are a broad source of fresh drinking water. They are sources of rich soils from glacial tills and produce physical features that are of aesthetic value to the landscape. Features like tills and outwash are of immense economical importance because they are rich in minerals increasing the fertility of farmlands (Walker, 2007 p16). Deposition features like drumlins are large sources of minerals for the surrounding lands especially arable land. Glacial features like eskers, boulders, drumlins and pyramid peaks are distinct landscape features that add aesthetic value to landscapes. The various types of glaciers are excellent sources of information regarding various disciplines like evolutionary sciences. Valley, piedmont, and cirque glaciers are examples of glaciers that are predominantly common in the world. Glaciers are useful geographical features especially with regard to the source of drinking water. Glaciers should be protected by advocating for a reduction in global warming, which interferes with, their natural process of formation and

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